Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What are you searching for?

I find it interesting that the tendency for mankind is to fill our lives with stuff. My individual tendency is to purchase uniquely made items that will age beautifully. For example, one of most prized possessions is a Moleskine cover made of natural Kip leather (not making up the kind of leather) made by Gfeller. I like this thing so much I purchased another... and then another in chocolate brown.

I find myself always battling though. Do I really need this thing? The answer is "of course not!" yet I purchase anyways.

America is one of the largest consumers of resources in the world. I have the statistic somewhere, but we consume some ridiculous amount of the world's total resources. So it would seem that we would be without any want. However, depression and suicide runs rampant in our country. We are not happy. The old economics saying is true, "Unlimited wants, limited resources."

I read recently that Denmark is one of the happiest countries. One of the Danish individuals interviewed was asked why. He explained that in Denmark they have really low expectations. It is a damn fine day if you don't wake up with any expectations because the littlest detail can make the biggest impact.

This is one of those serious posts (if you haven't found out already). I have found myself saying recently, "Live for this moment." If life is a series of moments and we live every moment to its fullest, then we live a full life. Don't confuse living for the moment with some CARPE DIEM, stand on your desk and recite poetry mumbo-jumbo. Rather, lower your expectations. Be still!

The other day I was sitting in car talking to my friend and it was raining outside. I remember the drops of rain splashing off of the window and thinking, "This is really cool." I love the rain. I feel like it's the world taking a shower one spot at a time. But, I often neglect to really appreciate the rain because I am too busy cursing the fact that I am going to be running late for this meeting or that my pants will be all wet after running to my car. I need to be still and live in this moment. The fact of the matter is I might die running to my meeting in a head on collision with an 18-wheeler. Should have enjoyed the rain more because they were the last drops I was going to see!

One last story. I heard this from my buddy whose Dad told him about this. Someone asked job interviewers what one word they would use to describe my generation. Then this person asked people from my generation what this word would be and said the only hint was that the word started with "E." The replies came in. Energetic, entertaining, and so forth.

The answer:


Ouch! Our generation has been given so much that we now feel entitled to what we have been given and more. The fact of the matter is we deserve nothing. So the challenge for myself, and hopefully for you, is stop feeling so entitled for every little thing and lower your expectations.

The reality: we deserve nothing. Makes you appreciate wiping your butt with real paper instead of a leaf when you think about it.

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