Monday, April 18, 2011


I have always collected two things-- paper and bags. It is as if I expect a great journey and that I need to record it. The more I live and the more I hear stories of my own life, the more I realize that this is the journey. Though I fully expect more great adventures and more great stories to record, I am settling into the fact that this life is the journey, the great adventure, we are all looking for. The bags we carry along the way tell a lot about us. Even more than the bags themselves, the things we carry in those bags, the baggage, tell an even greater story. The Lord knows I carry baggage, every man does. Hopefully, it is the sort of baggage that we can look back on and smile upon. May we reflect and realize that the forks we have taken along the way have brought us to the fork we now find ourselves at. Here is to the baggage of life. May it always be light and may we always realize that it is good because it has brought us to where we are.

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