Friday, May 28, 2010

New Look to the Blog

I tried to clean the look of the blog up. Tell me what you think. Greys and black colors on white.


Waco Bound at 3:00 pm

Just some of the fun you can have... in Waco, Texas.

Brace yourself Baylor for the time of your life!

Project for the Semester

So, I have posted my 4 boards for the semester. I did well, according to my Prof., but my "conceptual underpinnings" weren't as developed. In other words, in architecture school they expect you to come of with some narrative that explains your project, OR... complete crap.

An example would be, "I envision my project as the overlapping of layers, both functional and programmatic, which can be seen in the approach I took to form, but also to materials."

My response... G-G-G- GAY

I was just interested in planar elements... actually obsessed. Planes floating over the horizon with nothing holding them up. But, that isn't conceptual enough. Sounds pretty conceptual to me.

Board #4

Board #3

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Summer Pasta for Lunch

Fresh pasta with basil from the garden, olive oil, parmigiana, and wine

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Studio Project: Board 2

More boards to come in the future

Studio Project: Board 1

Daiki Suzuki

Daiki Suzuki is at the forefront of the work wear trend. Makes some awesome things for Engineered Garments.

Bow Ties Anyone?

I ordered 2 bow ties yesterday from The Cordial Chruchman. Hand-made in the USA for $26. Can't beat that price.

Awesome Site

A nice site called A Trip Down South

Summer Shoes?

I purchased these shoes at an estate sale of a gentleman who was a lawyer nearly 3 months ago for something like $15 (maybe less). However, they pinched my toes a little. Thus, I ordered a shoe stretcher.

Now, they are stretched! Sockless for the summer, of course.