Saturday, October 31, 2009


I want to think about beauty. I believe that there is something inside of humans that differs from other creatures and the appreciation of beauty is a sign or characteristic or (you fill in that blank) of that difference.

Striving for beauty is why, if I am honest, I want to be an architect. To be able to create something beautiful that is appreciated, something that causes us to stop and appreciate our environment, is an idea that I want to permeate my working life.

This idea is easy to understand and practice in the creative fields (which some would argue architecture is not, necessarily, a part of), but seems much harder to put to practice as a doctor, electrician, banker, plumber, salesman, mom, teacher, et cetera. I would argue the opposite is true.

Beauty can easily be reflected in everything that we do if we remain aware of what we are doing. Stop and meditate on how you hold your pen. Understand the precision that goes into the functioning of your body. Try, for a second, to grasp the logic that flows from your brain and the emotion that moves forth from your heart.

If we are able to meditate on the complexity of our world, we are able to understand beauty.

My challenge: make/do something beautiful for the sake of beauty. Do it out of enjoyment and not for anyone or for any reason besides the fact that it is beautiful. Make a cake, make a cocktail, fold a shirt, read a book, write a poem, stand up, sit down, take a breathe, or anything else. But, as you do that thing be very aware of all the details that go into doing it. Think about your skin flexing and muscles twitching. Think about everything!

I am posting a picture that I find very beautiful both as a piece of art, but also as a subject matter. Enjoy beauty!

Sunday, October 25, 2009




One of the greats

Dear Line Person... off my butt!

Whether people realize it or not, the distance that you stand behind someone is a social sign of how much personal space you prefer.

So, why don't people actually recognize this fact? I have often stood a good 2-3 feet behind someone in a grocery line only to have a large, bearded, panting man stand 6 inches from my back. He's there... even if you can't see him, you know he is there.

What to do?

My reaction is usually the half-turn, "I am just looking around the store to see if I forgot something." This usually doesn't work.

The next reaction I tend towards is a slight turn with a frown. The ole "He buddy... we aren't dating." This also usually doesn't work because the panting man has become so unaware of himself and his usually socially annoying habits that it would take a swift drop kick to the midsection for him to be aware of ANYTHING!

My new reaction... I turn to a friend (you must always carry a friend with you, just like a knife... always carry a knife!) and say, "Man, I think I am mildly claustrophobic," Sometimes that works. Try it!

Why the Name?

I was encouraged to start this blog to tell people random things about random times...

Why the name? I thought it would be interesting to always carry around a leather briefcase. I would never open this briefcase in public, and I would always have it with me. Eventually, the curious soul would ask, "What's in your briefcase?" And the response...

"My papers!"

Nothing more... nothing less.

In a way, this is the briefcase being opened for the internet surfing public's approval or... disapproval. These are my papers.