Monday, July 25, 2011

F*&K Andy Rooney

I have recently become a fan of 60 minutes. I rather enjoy the alternative news story. I like reading the odd stories in the Wall Street Journal found at the bottom of each front page. There is something to be said for receiving a little bit of nonsense in the midst of very serious news.

All that being said, F*&K Andy Rooney. Andy Rooney usually comes onto 60 minutes at the end with a diatribe about something pointless. Usually, Mr. Rooney just complains about modern society. Two weeks ago, Mr. Rooney complained about how comics in newspapers aren't the same and how that is a shame. Rooney, papers aren't the same, so how the hell do you expect comics IN newspapers to be the same? This week, Rooney complained about smart phone technology being introduced into cars. At least, I think he was complaining.

There in lies the biggest problem with the Andy Rooney segment, no one knows what the point is. Honestly, if I want to listen to a man with one foot in the grave complain about something and somehow arrive at no real point, I will spend sometime down at the public library/post office/bingo game. Now, the irony of a young man complaining about an old man complaining isn't lost on me. I totally get that it is hypocritical to some degree. But honestly, COMICS! I mean, there are some real things to complain about in our society--the national debt, the ponzi scheme that we call social security, high unemployment (a personal favorite). However, Rooney spends 10 minutes of my life complaining about COMICS!

That's why I say, "F$#K Andy Rooney." Spend your time complaining about something that matters. And for goodness sake, clean your damn office! I mean, you're on television.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Quote Me...

You can tell a lot about a man by his boots--
where he's gone, what he's done, and possibly, if you look hard enough, where he is going.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Quote Me

Starting a new series called "Quote Me." Feel free to spread these around...

Some days I prefer to drink on an empty stomach.