Friday, November 12, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Objectified... the things we live with

Objectified is a great movie about product design. It gets kinda slow about half way through, but if you stick it out you will have a whole new perspective on the objects in your life. Check the trailer after the jump:

Friday, November 5, 2010

J. Crew's Spring 2011 Collection

J. Crew's Fireman's jacket makes a return (guy on the right). I really dig this jacket, but have never been able to justify the cost. Ebay anyone?

For a cool evening on the lake

Sailing inspired light coats

Dig the shoes on the guy on the right

*All pictures courtesy of Secret Forts

Grow a beard... save the world

No Shave November

Courtesy of drinkin and dronin