Friday, October 29, 2010

Tag Video

This is an ad for Adidas about TAG... the sport. Awesome!
Video Link

The Berkshire Boys

For some reason I dig this video.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

William Doxford + Sons

Vintage Pictures from a ship building factory. The photos are courtesy of Archival Clothing.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Some awesome interior photos... some are repeats from previous posts, but all the pictures are inspirational.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Girls + Red Wings = Love

Most of these girls are wearing the engineer (2970) with crepe sole. One girl is wearing the Beckman with some sort of leather, army cover on her shins. Pretty sure the girl in the 2nd to last photo is wearing the 8 inch 2233.

Red Wing #875 and #877

I pulled the trigger on some Red Wing #877 I found on ebay. I didn't need another pair of Red Wing boots (this will be my 4th pair... 2 pecos #1187 and 1 pair of Red Wing #875), but I couldn't resist the deal. They were easily $75-$100 cheaper than store bought 877s, they were never worn, they were in my size, and there was free shipping. Yes, please! I am digging how heritage/heirloom products are popular right now. The idea of buying a pair of boots that will last for the rest of your life is a foreign topic to many people. But, since I have a hard time throwing anything away... even when I should, buying quality, American goods that last forever is right up my alley.

P.S. I have seen a few pictures of girls in Red Wing boots (engineer and #875s) and it's an amazing thing... if I could only find a lady that wore Red Wings! New advertising slogan anyone?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Baby James Pics

He already looks like an old man in some of these photos... could this be a Benjamin Button case?